Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal Articles : [2538] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences staff.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2281 to 2300 of 2538
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
Apr-2007Modeling Historic Rangeland Management and Grazing Pressures in Landscapes of SettlementThomson, Amanda M; Simpson, Ian-Journal Article
Jun-2005Structural differences between bulk and rhizosphere soilWhalley, W Richard; Riseley, B; Leeds-Harrison, Peter B; Bird, Nigel R A; Leech, Penny K; Adderley, W Paul-Journal Article
2009Reproductive biology of Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata and effective pollination across its native range in Queensland, AustraliaBacles, Cecile; Brooks, Jennifer; Lee, David J; Schenk, Peer M; Lowe, Andrew J; Kremer, Antoine-Journal Article
Aug-2008Breeding system, pollinator choice, and variation in pollen quality in British herbaceous plantsHanley, Michael E; Franco, Miguel; Pichon, Samuel; Darvill, Ben; Goulson, Dave-Journal Article
Nov-2010Unliganded structure of human bisphosphoglycerate mutase reveals side-chain movements induced by ligand bindingPatterson, Alan; Price, Nicholas C; Nairn, Jacqueline-Journal Article
Feb-2011Possible role of phosphatidylserine–hemocyanin interaction in the innate immune response of Limulus polyphemusCoates, Christopher; Kelly, Sharon M; Nairn, Jacqueline-Journal Article
Sep-2004Calcium–iron–phosphate features in archaeological sediments: characterization through microfocus synchrotron X-ray scattering analysesAdderley, W Paul; Alberts, Ian L; Simpson, Ian; Wess, Timothy J-Journal Article
2011Integrating demographic data and a mechanistic dispersal model to predict invasion spread of Rhododendron ponticum in different habitatsHarris, Catriona; Stanford, Harriet L; Edwards, Colin; Travis, Justin M; Park, Kirsty-Journal Article
Jun-2008Quantifying and comparing bumblebee nest densities in gardens and countryside habitatsOsborne, Juliet L; Martin, Andrew P; Shortall, Chris R; Todd, Alan D; Goulson, Dave; Knight, Mairi E; Hale, Roddy J; Sanderson, Roy A-Journal Article
Dec-2002Soil Limitations to Agrarian Land Production in Premodern IcelandSimpson, Ian; Adderley, W Paul; Gudmundsson, Gardar; Hallsdottir, Margret; Sigurgeirsson, Magnus A; Snaesdottir, Mjoll-Journal Article
Jun-2008Investigating dietary preferences in two competing dipterans, Coelopa frigida and Coelopa pilipes, using stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogenEdward, Dominic A; Newton, Jason; Gilburn, Andre-Journal Article
Aug-2002Colour description and quantification in mosaic images of soil thin sectionsAdderley, W Paul; Simpson, Ian; Davidson, Donald-Journal Article
Sep-2011Rapid shifts in picoeukaryote community structure in response to ocean acidificationMeakin, Nicholas G; Wyman, Michael-Journal Article
Jun-2008Asymmetrical costs of sexual conflict in the seaweed fly, Coelopa frigidaMeader, Stephen J; Gilburn, Andre-Journal Article
Oct-2011Turnover of recently assimilated carbon in arctic bryophytesStreet, Lorna E; Subke, Jens-Arne; Sommerkorn, Martin; Heinemeyer, Andreas; Williams, Mathew-Journal Article
Nov-2003Fuel resource utilisation in landscapes of settlementSimpson, Ian; Vésteinsson, Orri; Adderley, W Paul; McGovern, Thomas H-Journal Article
Oct-2000Assessing the aerodynamic effects of tail elongations in the house martin (Delichon urbica): Implications for the initial selection pressures in hirundinesPark, Kirsty; Evans, Matthew; Buchanan, Katherine Louise-Journal Article
2006Biotope associations and the decline of bumblebees (Bombus spp.)Goulson, Dave; Hanley, Michael E; Darvill, Ben; Ellis, Jonathan S-Journal Article
Jan-2012Exploring the “overflow tap” theory: linking forest soil CO2 fluxes and individual mycorrhizosphere components to photosynthesisHeinemeyer, Andreas; Wilkinson, Matthew; Vargas, Rodrigo; Subke, Jens-Arne; Casella, Eric; Morison, James I L; Ineson, Phil-Journal Article
Mar-2012Cryptic bumblebee species: consequences for conservation and the trade in greenhouse pollinatorsWilliams, Paul H; An, Jiandong; Brown, Mark J F; Carolan, James C; Goulson, Dave; Huang, Jiaxing; Ito, Masao-Journal Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2281 to 2300 of 2538