Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport Journal Articles : [3426] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by staff from the Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 881 to 900 of 3426
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
2020How men and women learn about sex: multi-generational perspectives on insufficient preparedness and prevailing gender norms in ScotlandPatterson, Susan; McDaid, Lisa; Hunt, Kate; Hilton, Shona; Flowers, Paul; McMillan, Lesley; Milne, Dona-Journal Article
15-Oct-2019Attending to design when developing complex health interventions: A qualitative interview study with intervention developers and associated stakeholdersRousseau, Nikki; Turner, Katrina M; Duncan, Edward; O’Cathain, Alicia; Croot, Liz; Yardley, Lucy; Hoddinott, Pat-Journal Article
Oct-2014A tale of two mechanisms: A meta-analytic approach toward understanding the autonomic basis of cardiovascular reactivity to acute psychological stress: Autonomic basis of cardiovascular reactivityBrindle, Ryan C; Ginty, Annie T; Phillips, Anna C; Carroll, Douglas-Journal Article
15-Aug-2014Hypervolemia and Blood Pressure in Prevalent Kidney Transplant RecipientsChan, Winnie; Bosch, Jos A; Jones, David; McTernan, Philip G; Inston, Nicholas; Moore, Sue; Kaur, Okdeep; Phillips, Anna C; Borrows, Richard-Journal Article
29-Aug-2014Bereavement reduces neutrophil oxidative burst only in older adults: role of the HPA axis and immunesenescenceVitlic, Ana; Khanfer, Riyad; Lord, Janet M; Carroll, Douglas; Phillips, Anna C-Journal Article
Jun-2014Depressive symptoms in hip fracture patients are associated with reduced monocyte superoxide productionDuggal, Niharika Arora; Beswetherick, Amy; Upton, Jane; Hampson, Peter; Phillips, Anna C.; Lord, Janet M.-Journal Article
Jun-2014Stress, ageing and their influence on functional, cellular and molecular aspects of the immune systemVitlic, Ana; Lord, Janet M; Phillips, Anna C-Journal Article
2019Gender equality, sport and the United Nation's system. A historical overview of the slow pace of progressde Soysa, Lilamani; Zipp, Sarah-Journal Article
Sep-2019Development, Gender and Sport: Theorizing a Feminist Practice of the Capabilities Approach in Sport for DevelopmentZipp, Sarah; Smith, Tavis; Darnell, Simon-Journal Article
15-Jul-2019Comments on CrossTalk 43: Exercise training intensity is/is not more important than volume to promote increases in human skeletal muscle mitochondrial contentKirkland, Andrew; Gearity, Brian T-Journal Article
2019Implementation of sit-stand desks as a workplace health initiative: stakeholder viewsHall, Jennifer; Kay, Tess; McConnell, Alison K; Mansfield, Louise-Journal Article
Mar-2019Sleep Profiles of Elite Swimmers During Different Training PhasesWalsh, Joshua A; Sanders, Dajo; Hamilton, D Lee; Walshe, Ian-Journal Article
Jan-2020Tackling second-hand exposure to tobacco smoke and aerosols of electronic cigarettes: the TackSHS project protocolFernández, Esteve; López, María José; Gallus, Silvano; Semple, Sean; Clancy, Luke; Behrakis, Panagiotis; Ruprecht, Ario; Gorini, Giuseppe; López-Nicolás, Ángel; Radu-Loghin, Cornel; Soriano, Joan B; Castellano, Yolanda; Fu, Marcela; O'Donnell, Rachel; Dobson, Ruaraidh-Journal Article
Feb-2016Development of depressive symptoms post hip fracture is associated with altered immunosuppressive phenotype in regulatory T and B lymphocytesDuggal, Niharika Arora; Upton, Jane; Phillips, Anna C; Lord, Janet M-Journal Article
Dec-2021Gender and diet management in type 2 diabetesDimova, Elena Dimcheva; Swanson, Vivien; Evans, Josie M M-Journal Article
2014Depressive symptoms post hip fracture in older adults are associated with phenotypic and functional alterations in T cellsDuggal, Niharika Arora; Upton, Jane; Phillips, Anna C; Hampson, Peter; Lord, Janet M-Journal Article
2014The Effect of a Community-Based, Primary Health Care Exercise Program on Inflammatory Biomarkers and Hormone LevelsPapini, Camila Bosquiero; Nakamura, Priscila M; Zorzetto, Lucas P; Thompson, Janice L; Phillips, Anna C; Kokubun, Eduardo-Journal Article
Jan-2014Physical Activity, Life Events Stress, Cortisol, and DHEA: Preliminary Findings That Physical Activity May Buffer Against the Negative Effects of StressHeaney, Jennifer L J; Carroll, Douglas; Phillips, Anna C-Journal Article
Oct-2014Neuroendocrine and cardiovascular reactions to acute psychological stress are attenuated in smokersGinty, Annie T.; Jones, Alexander; Carroll, Douglas; Roseboom, Tessa J; Phillips, Anna C; Painter, Rebecca; de Rooij, Susanne R-Journal Article
2021Development and Initial Validation of the Life Skills Ability Scale for Higher Education StudentsCronin, Lorcan; Allen, Justine; Ellison, Paul; Marchant, David; Levy, Andrew; Harwood, Chris-Journal Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 881 to 900 of 3426

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by staff from the Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport.