Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal Articles : [2538] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences staff.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2521 to 2538 of 2538
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
Dec-1999Fly populations associated with landfill and composting sites used for household refuse disposalGoulson, Dave; Hughes, William O H; Chapman, Jason W-Journal Article
Dec-2003Mitochondrial DNA clocks and the phylogeny of Danaus butterfliesLushai, Gugs; Smith, David A S; Goulson, Dave; Allen, John A; Maclean, Norman-Journal Article
Jun-2004Synergistic interactions between an exotic honeybee and an exotic weed: pollination of Lantana camara in AustraliaGoulson, Dave; Derwent, Lara C-Journal Article
Mar-2011Testing a detection dog to locate bumblebee colonies and estimate nest densityWaters, Joe; O'Connor, Stephanie; Park, Kirsty; Goulson, Dave-Journal Article
Jun-2011The effectiveness of agri-environment schemes for the conservation of farmland moths: assessing the importance of a landscape-scale management approachFuentes-Montemayor, Elisa; Goulson, Dave; Park, Kirsty-Journal Article
Nov-2003Explaining temporal variation in soil CO2 efflux in a mature spruce forest in Southern GermanySubke, Jens-Arne; Reichstein, Markus; Tenhunen, John D-Journal Article
2005The landscape context of the Antonine Wall: a review of the literatureTipping, Richard; Tisdall, Eileen-Journal Article
Oct-2005Does the temperature sensitivity of decomposition of soil organic matter depend upon water content, soil horizon, or incubation time?Reichstein, Markus; Subke, Jens-Arne; Angeli, Andrew C; Tenhunen, John D-Journal Article
May-2007Richard Dawkins: How a Scientist Changed the Way We ThinkBussiere, Luc-Journal Article
Mar-2006Sampling soil-derived CO2 for analysis of isotopic composition: a comparison of different techniquesBertolini, Teresa; Inglima, Ilaria; Rubino, Mauro; Marzaioli, Fabio; Lubritto, Carmine; Subke, Jens-Arne; Peressotti, Alessandro; Cotrufo, M Francesca-Journal Article
Oct-2007The palaeoecology of a high status Icelandic farmSveinbjarnardottir, Gudrun; Erlendsson, Egill; Vickers, Kim; McGovern, Thomas H; Milek, Karen; Edwards, Kevin J; Simpson, Ian; Cook, Gordon-Journal Article
Jan-2008The decline and conservation of bumblebeesGoulson, Dave; Lye, Gillian; Darvill, Ben-Journal Article
Jun-2006Trends and methodological impacts in soil CO2 efflux partitioning: A metaanalytical reviewSubke, Jens-Arne; Inglima, Ilaria; Cotrufo, M Francesca-Journal Article
Oct-2000Torpor, arousal and activity of hibernating greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum)Park, Kirsty; Jones, Gareth; Ransome, Roger D-Journal Article
2008Land in Landscapes circum Landnám: an Integrated Study of Settlements in Reykholtsdalur, IcelandSveinbjarnardottir, Gudrun; Simpson, Ian; Thomson, Amanda M-Journal Article
Jul-2009No evidence for compensatory thermal adaptation of soil microbial respiration in the study of Bradford et al. (2008)Hartley, Iain; Hopkins, David; Garnett, Mark H; Sommerkorn, Martin; Wookey, Philip-Journal Article
2008Climate Change in Pictish Scotland: Changing Views on Scale, Frequency, Intensity and the Human ContextTipping, Richard-Journal Article
Aug-1999Winter activity of a population of greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum)Park, Kirsty; Jones, Gareth; Ransome, Roger D-Journal Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2521 to 2538 of 2538