Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal Articles : [2538] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences staff.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2461 to 2480 of 2538
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
Jul-2000Nectar robbing, forager efficiency and seed set: Bumblebees foraging on the self incompatible plant Linaria vulgaris (Scrophulariaceae)Stout, Jane C; Allen, John A; Goulson, Dave-Journal Article
Nov-2000Isolation of microsatellite markers from the Adonis blue butterfly (Lysandra bellargus)Harper, Georgina L; Piyapattanakorn, Sanit; Goulson, Dave; Maclean, Norman-Journal Article
Apr-1999Visual responses of Musca domestica to pheromone impregnated targets in poultry unitsChapman, Jason W; Knapp, Jennifer J; Goulson, Dave-Journal Article
Jul-2000The role of hedgerows in the recolonisation of arable fields by epigeal CollembolaAlvarez, Tania; Frampton, Geoff K; Goulson, Dave-Journal Article
Aug-2000An economic model of the limits to foraging range in central place foragers with numerical solutions for bumblebeesCresswell, James E; Osborne, Juliet L; Goulson, Dave-Journal Article
Dec-1998The influence of relative plant density and floral morphological complexity on the behaviour of bumblebeesStout, Jane C; Allen, John A; Goulson, Dave-Journal Article
22-Sep-1998Baculovirus resistance in the noctuid Spodoptera exempta is phenotypically plastic and responds to population densityReeson, Andrew F; Wilson, Kenneth; Gunn, Alan; Hails, Rosemary S; Goulson, Dave-Journal Article
Nov-1998An evaluation of (Z)-9-tricosene and food odours for attracting house flies, Musca domestica, to baited targets in deep-pit poultry unitsChapman, Jason W; Knapp, Jennifer J; Howse, Philip E; Goulson, Dave-Journal Article
Nov-1993Flower constancy and learning in foraging preferences of the green-veined white butterfly Pieris napiGoulson, Dave; Cory, Jennifer S-Journal Article
Mar-2010Pollinator effectiveness and fruit set in common ivy, Hedera helix (Araliaceae)Jacobs, Jennifer H; Clark, Suzanne J; Denholm, Ian; Goulson, Dave; Stoate, Chris; Osborne, Juliet L-Journal Article
Feb-2010Impacts of non-native bumblebees in Western Europe and North AmericaGoulson, Dave-Journal Article
Feb-2010Estimation of bumblebee queen dispersal distances using sibship reconstruction methodLepais, Olivier; Darvill, Ben; O'Connor, Stephanie; Osborne, Juliet L; Sanderson, Roy A; Cussans, John; Goffe, Louis; Goulson, Dave-Journal Article
15-Apr-2011The trade-off between agriculture and biodiversity in marginal areas: Can crofting and bumblebee conservation be reconciled?Osgathorpe, Lynne; Park, Kirsty; Goulson, Dave; Acs, Szvetlana; Hanley, Nicholas-Journal Article
Jan-2011Potential benefits of commercial willow Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) for farm-scale plant and invertebrate communities in the agri-environmentRowe, Rebecca L; Hanley, Michael E; Goulson, Dave; Clarke, Donna J; Doncaster, C Patrick; Taylor, Gail-Journal Article
Feb-2011Niche differentiation of a cryptic bumblebee complex in the Western Isles of ScotlandWaters, Joe; Darvill, Ben; Lye, Gillian; Goulson, Dave-Journal Article
Feb-2011Impacts of the Use of Nonnative Commercial Bumble Bees for Pollinator Supplementation in RaspberryLye, Gillian; Jennings, S Nikki; Osborne, Juliet L; Goulson, Dave-Journal Article
Dec-2010Effects of land use at a landscape scale on bumblebee nest density and survivalGoulson, Dave; Lepais, Olivier; O'Connor, Stephanie; Osborne, Juliet L; Sanderson, Roy A; Cussans, John; Goffe, Louis; Darvill, Ben-Journal Article
Jul-2011Assessing the efficacy of artificial domiciles for bumblebeesLye, Gillian; Park, Kirsty; Holland, John; Goulson, Dave-Journal Article
Jul-2011Reconstructing demographic events from population genetic data: the introduction of bumblebees to New ZealandLye, Gillian; Lepais, Olivier; Goulson, Dave-Journal Article
Jan-2003Conserving wild bees for crop pollinationGoulson, Dave-Journal Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2461 to 2480 of 2538