Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal Articles : [2538] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences staff.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2361 to 2380 of 2538
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
Jan-2010Correlated evolution of mating system and floral display traits in flowering plants and its implications for the distribution of mating system variationGoodwillie, Carol; Sargent, Risa D; Eckert, Christopher G; Elle, Elizabeth; Geber, Monica A; Johnston, Mark O; Kalisz, Susan; Moeller, David A; Ree, Richard H; Vallejo-Marín, Mario; Winn, Alice A-Journal Article
Jan-2007Correlated evolution of self-incompatibility and clonal reproduction in Solanum (Solanaceae)Vallejo-Marín, Mario; O’Brien, Heath E-Journal Article
Dec-2011Analysis of inbreeding depression in mixed-mating plants provides evidence for selective interference and stable mixed matingWinn, Alice A; Elle, Elizabeth; Kalisz, Susan; Cheptou, Pierre-Olivier; Eckert, Christopher G; Goodwillie, Carol; Johnston, Mark O; Moeller, David A; Ree, Richard H; Sargent, Risa D; Vallejo-Marín, Mario-Journal Article
Aug-2009Evolutionary pathways to self-fertilization in a tristylous plant speciesBarrett, Spencer C H; Ness, Rob W; Vallejo-Marín, Mario-Journal Article
Nov-2003Seed production and population density decline approaching the range-edge of Cirsium speciesJump, Alistair; Woodward, F Ian-Journal Article
Oct-2006Natural selection and climate change: temperature-linked spatial and temporal trends in gene frequency in Fagus sylvaticaJump, Alistair; Hunt, Jenny M; Martinez-Izquierdo, Jose A; Penuelas, Josep-Journal Article
Mar-2007Extensive spatial genetic structure revealed by AFLP but not SSR molecular markers in the wind-pollinated tree, Fagus sylvaticaJump, Alistair; Penuelas, Josep-Journal Article
May-2007Selection through female fitness helps to explain the maintenance of male flowersVallejo-Marín, Mario; Rausher, Mark D-Journal Article
May-2009Morphological variation in the flowers of Jacaratia mexicana A. DC. (Caricaceae), a subdioecious treeAguirre, Armando; Vallejo-Marín, Mario; Piedra-Malagon, Eva Maria; Cruz-Ortega, Rocio; Dirzo, Rodolfo-Journal Article
Sep-1998Archaeological sites: Assessment of erosion riskDavidson, Donald; Grieve, Ian; Tyler, Andrew; Barclay, Gordon J; Maxwell, Gordon S-Journal Article
Jul-2009Short-term dynamics of abiotic and biotic soil 13CO2 effluxes after in situ 13CO2 pulse labelling of a boreal pine forestSubke, Jens-Arne; Vallack, Harry W; Magnusson, Tord; Keel, Sonja G; Metcalfe, Daniel B; Hogberg, Peter; Ineson, Phil-Journal Article
Nov-2010Engaging with the water sector for public health benefits: waterborne pathogens and diseases in developed countriesBridge, Jonathan; Oliver, David; Chadwick, Dave R; Godfray, H Charles J; Heathwaite, A Louise; Kay, David; Maheswaran, Ravi; McGonicle, Daniel F; Nicols, Gordon; Pickup, Roger; Porter, Jonathan; Wastling, Jonathan M; Banwart, Steven A-Journal Article
Jun-2001Testing High-resolution X-ray Computed Tomography for the Micromorphological Analyses of Archaeological Soils and SedimentsAdderley, W Paul; Simpson, Ian; MacLeod, George-Journal Article
Jul-2008Gásir in Eyjafjörđur: International Exchange and Local Economy in Medieval IcelandHarrison, Ramona; Roberts, Howell M; Adderley, W Paul-Journal Article
Jul-2008Lordship and Environmental Change in Central Highland Scotland c.1300–c.1400Oram, Richard; Adderley, W Paul-Journal Article
Apr-2009Division of labour within flowers: heteranthery, a floral strategy to reconcile contrasting pollen fatesVallejo-Marín, Mario; Manson, Jessamyn S; Thomson, James D; Barrett, Spencer C H-Journal Article
Oct-2008Paternity analysis of pollen-mediated gene flow for Fraxinus excelsior L. in a chronically fragmented landscapeBacles, Cecile F E; Ennos, Richard A-Journal Article
2009Conceptual models of 1200 years of Icelandic soil erosion reconstructed using tephrochronologyDugmore, Andrew J; Gisladottir, Gudrun; Simpson, Ian; Newton, Anthony-Journal Article
Jan-2009Environmental change and the option value of genetic diversityJump, Alistair; Marchant, Rob; Penuelas, Josep-Journal Article
Mar-2007Landscapes of Settlement in Northern Iceland: Historical Ecology of Human Impact and Climate Fluctuation on the Millennial ScaleMcGovern, Thomas H; Vésteinsson, Orri; Friđriksson, Adolf; Church, Mike J; Lawson, Ian; Simpson, Ian; Einarsson, Arni; Dugmore, Andrew J; Cook, Gordon; Perdikaris, Sophia; Edwards, Kevin J; Thomson, Amanda M; Adderley, W Paul; Newton, Anthony; Lucas, Gavin; Edvardsson, Ragnar; Aldred, Oscar; Dunbar, Elaine-Journal Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2361 to 2380 of 2538