Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal Articles : [2538] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences staff.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2201 to 2220 of 2538
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
Jul-2009Personality traits in wild starlings: exploration behavior and environmental sensitivityMinderman, Jeroen; Reid, Jane M; Evans, Peter G H; Whittingham, Mark J-Journal Article
Jun-2008Vigilance benefits and competition costs in groups: do individual redshanks gain an overall foraging benefit?Sansome, Alex; Cresswell, Will; Minderman, Jeroen; Lind, Johan-Journal Article
20-Apr-2012Should we stay or should we go now? What happens to small mammals when grass is mown, and the implications for birds of preyGarratt, Claudia M; Minderman, Jeroen; Whittingham, Mark J-Journal Article
2010Novel environment exploration and home range size in starlings Sturnus vulgarisMinderman, Jeroen; Reid, Jane M; Hughes, Martin; Denny, Martin J H; Hogg, Suzanne; Evans, Peter G H; Whittingham, Mark J-Journal Article
Feb-2013Integrating applied ecology and planning policy: The case of micro-turbines and wildlife conservationPark, Kirsty; Turner, Alex; Minderman, Jeroen-Journal Article
May-2006Behaviourally mediated indirect effects: interference competition increases predation mortality in foraging redshanksMinderman, Jeroen; Lind, Johan; Cresswell, Will-Journal Article
Apr-2009Influence of Patagonian glaciers on Antarctic dust deposition during the last glacial periodSugden, David E; McCulloch, Robert; Bory, Aloys J M; Hein, Andrew S-Journal Article
2011Utilisation de la télédétection pour la caractérisation des corridors fluviaux: Exemples d'applications et enjeux actuelsLejot, Jerome; Piegay, Herve; Hunter, Peter; Moulin, Bertrand; Gagnage, Mathieu-Journal Article
1996Estimating and accounting for Cs-137 source burial through in-situ gamma spectrometry in salt marsh environmentsTyler, Andrew; Sanderson, David C W; Scott, E Marian-Journal Article
Jul-2006Long-term woodland dynamics in West Glen Affric, northern ScotlandTipping, Richard; Davies, Althea-Journal Article
15-Nov-2011Cyanobacterial blooms: Statistical models describing risk factors for national-scale lake assessment and lake managementCarvalho, Laurence; Ferguson, Claire A; Scott, E Marian; Codd, Geoffrey; Davies, P Sian; Tyler, Andrew-Journal Article
Jul-2013Ecosystem-level controls on root-rhizosphere respirationHopkins, Francesca; Gonzalez-Meler, Miquel A; Flower, Charles E; Lynch, Douglas J; Czimczik, Claudia; Tang, Jianwu; Subke, Jens-Arne-Journal Article
Nov-2005An evaluation of multielement analysis of historic soil contamination to differentiate space use and former function in and around abandoned farmsWilson, Clare; Davidson, Donald; Cresser, Malcolm-Journal Article
Aug-2006Lead isotope ratios as a means of sourcing anthropogenic lead in archaeological soils: A pilot study of an abandoned Shetland croftWilson, Clare; Bacon, Jeffrey R; Cresser, Malcolm S; Davidson, Donald-Journal Article
Jul-2010Tell formation processes as indicated from geoarchaeological and geochemical investigations at Xeropolis, Euboea, GreeceDavidson, Donald; Wilson, Clare; Lemos, Irene S; Theocharopoulos, Sideris P-Journal Article
Jul-2008Effects of wind farm construction on concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon and suspended sediment from peat catchments at Braes of Doune, central ScotlandGrieve, Ian; Gilvear, David-Journal Article
Sep-2012Characterization of hydraulic habitat and retention across different channel types; introducing a new field-based techniqueMilner, Victoria S; Gilvear, David-Journal Article
Feb-2013An assessment of variants in the professional judgement of geomorphologically based channel typesMilner, Victoria S; Gilvear, David; Willby, Nigel-Journal Article
Feb-2012Trends and issues in delivery of integrated catchment scale river restoration: Lessons learned from a national river restoration survey within ScotlandGilvear, David; Casas Mulet, Roser; Spray, Chris J-Journal Article
Jan-2009Willow (Salix spp.) and aspen (Populus tremula) regrowth after felling by the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber): implications for riparian woodland conservation in ScotlandJones, Kevin; Gilvear, David; Willby, Nigel; Gaywood, Martin-Journal Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2201 to 2220 of 2538