Welcome to STORRE: Stirling Online Research Repository
STORRE holds a continually growing collection of the full text of the research outputs of University of Stirling authors. It includes published journal articles, conference papers, book chapters, working papers, etc. As a result of the University policy encouraging open access, the repository will continue to develop as an important source of free full text access to Stirling's research.
STORRE also holds the full text of all University of Stirling research theses from September 2006 onwards; covering PhDs, Masters of Philosophy and Masters by Research plus Professional Higher Degrees by Research. A small collection of our older theses is also included, and is continually added to, due to our involvement in the British Library's EThOS service.
Deposit in STORRE
Depositing published research
Stirling academic staff: find out how to deposit.
eTheses Service
Is this all of Stirling's theses?
No. This is only a very small subset. Browse a list of all our theses titles.
All research theses must be deposited
Stirling research postgraduates: find out how to deposit.
IRUS-UK Statistics
STORRE Summary Statistics from JISC's Institutional Repository Usage Statistics UK service are available here.
Communities in STORRE
Choose a community to browse its collections.
Faculty of Arts and Humanities 3418
This community contains the ePrints and eTheses produced by the Faculty's staff and students.
Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport 4234
This community contains the ePrints and eTheses produced by the Faculty's staff and students.
Faculty of Natural Sciences 9704
This community contains the ePrints and eTheses produced by the Faculty's staff and students.
Faculty of Social Sciences 2974
This community contains the ePrints and eTheses produced by the Faculty's staff and students.
Information Services 8
This community contains ePrints produced by Information Services‘ staff.
Senior Management Team 23
This community contains ePrints produced by staff from the Senior Management Team.
Stirling Management School 3300
This community contains the ePrints and eTheses produced by the School's staff and students.
- 427 Scotland
- 357 COVID-19
- 216 Aquaculture
- 209 Atlantic salmon
- 125 Fishes Feeding and feeds
- 123 climate change
- 115 Education
- 100 children
- 99 aquaculture
- 97 UK
- next >
- 5184 2020 - 2025
- 12149 2010 - 2019
- 4747 2000 - 2009
- 916 1990 - 1999
- 343 1980 - 1989
- 172 1970 - 1979
- 4 1969 - 1969