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Appears in Collections:Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal Articles
Peer Review Status: Refereed
Title: Trade-offs and coexistence in fluctuating environments: evidence for a key dispersal-fecundity trade-off in five nonpollinating fig wasps
Author(s): Duthie, A Bradley
Abbott, Karen
Nason, John
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Keywords: coexistence
ephemeral patch
fig wasp
Issue Date: Jul-2015
Date Deposited: 8-Nov-2016
Citation: Duthie AB, Abbott K & Nason J (2015) Trade-offs and coexistence in fluctuating environments: evidence for a key dispersal-fecundity trade-off in five nonpollinating fig wasps. American Naturalist, 186 (1), pp. 151-158.;
Abstract: The ecological principle of competitive exclusion states that species competing for identical resources cannot coexist, but this principle is paradoxical because ecologically similar competitors are regularly observed. Coexistence is possible under some conditions if a fluctuating environment changes the competitive dominance of species. This change in competitive dominance implies the existence of trade-offs underlying species’ competitive abilities in different environments. Theory shows that fluctuating distance between resource patches can facilitate coexistence in ephemeral patch competitors, given a functional trade-off between species dispersal ability and fecundity. We find evidence supporting this trade-off in a guild of five ecologically similar nonpollinating fig wasps and subsequently predict local among-patch species densities. We also introduce a novel colonization index to estimate relative dispersal ability among ephemeral patch competitors. We suggest that a dispersal ability–fecundity trade-off and spatiotemporally fluctuating resource availability commonly co-occur to drive population dynamics and facilitate coexistence in ephemeral patch communities.
DOI Link: 10.1086/681621
Rights: © 2015 by The University of Chicago. Publisher policy allows this work to be made available in this repository. Published in American Naturalist. The original publication is available at:

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