Biological and Environmental Sciences eTheses : [199] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of theses produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences students.

Note: Some items may not be viewable as they are being prepared for publication.

The copyright in theses in this collection remains with the author, unless it is stated to have been assigned to the University of Stirling. The University of Stirling reserves the right to keep electronic copies for consultation in both cases.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 199
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
31-Oct-2022Assessing the resilience of UK forests to droughtOvenden, Thomas-Thesis or Dissertation
4-Nov-2022Cultural and physical factors in the history and development of traditional external wall coatings in ScotlandMeek, Timothy John-Thesis or Dissertation
28-Feb-2022Embedding Climate Futures in Spatial Planning for Subsistence Agriculture in The Angolan Central HighlandsKiala, Paulo Manuel-Thesis or Dissertation
Sep-2022Conserving world heritage in climate change(d) futures: building understanding of precipitation impacts through innovative hydrological-based solutionsBlake, Hazel Janet-Thesis or Dissertation
8-Aug-2022Quad polarimetric synthetic aperture radar analysis of icebergs in Greenland and SvalbardBailey, Johnson-Thesis or Dissertation
2-Aug-2022Freshwater blue space, health and well-being: a multiscale investigationMcDougall, Craig W-Thesis or Dissertation
Sep-2022Wetlands for water justice: a political ecology of water quality and more-than-human habitability in three constructed wetland projectsHurst, Elliot-Thesis or Dissertation
17-Mar-2022Patterns and fitness impacts of phenology shifts in pollination networksPaterson, John-Thesis or Dissertation
Oct-2022Outdoor recreation and conserving biodiversity: Recreational behaviours and capercaillie conservation management in the Cairngorms National ParkSmith, William Robert-Thesis or Dissertation
31-Aug-2022Environmental survival and mobilisation dynamics of E. coli and intestinal enterococci associated with common wildlife and wildfowl faecal sourcesAfolabi, Emmanuel Olabanji-Thesis or Dissertation
Feb-2022Conservation in Cambodia: linking forests, wildlife, and people in dynamic landscapesNuttall, Matthew N-Thesis or Dissertation
2023Diversity-dependence and the role of competition in clade diversificationPannetier, Theo-Thesis or Dissertation
Aug-2022Exploring variation in the responses of tree species to climate across diverse montane forests in TaiwanO'Sullivan, Kirsten S W-Thesis or Dissertation
6-Jun-2022Optimising multi-pollutant phytoremediation strategies to sustainably improve raw water qualityFletcher, Jonathan-Thesis or Dissertation
Aug-2022Diel cycle and circadian clocks in prokaryotesGeron, Augustin-Thesis or Dissertation
Dec-2021Scotland's pockmarks: understanding their formation and relationship to buried carbon in fjordic systemsAudsley, Allan-Thesis or Dissertation
22-May-2022Remote sensing of phytoplankton biomass in oligotrophic and mesotrophic lakes: addressing estimation uncertainty through machine learningWerther, Mortimer-Thesis or Dissertation
21-Dec-2021The impacts of selective logging and restoration on trees in a lowland tropical forest in Sabah, MalaysiaHayward, Robin M-Thesis or Dissertation
Dec-2021Effects of floral morphology on plant-pollinator interactions in buzz-pollinated flowersNevard, Lucy-Thesis or Dissertation
Dec-2021Characterisation of grain legume rhizobia for the potential development of inoculants with an improved shelf-lifeFerrando Molina, Francesc-Thesis or Dissertation
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 199