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Appears in Collections:Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport Journal Articles
Peer Review Status: Refereed
Title: Biodiversity and perceptions of risk: Reactions to the use of a single donor for stem-cell derived red blood cell transfusions
Author(s): King, Emma
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Issue Date: Jul-2015
Date Deposited: 24-Aug-2016
Citation: King E (2015) Biodiversity and perceptions of risk: Reactions to the use of a single donor for stem-cell derived red blood cell transfusions. Journal of Medical Law and Ethics, 3 (3), pp. 151-163.
Abstract: Blood transfusion is a well-accepted medical technology that currently relies on a supply of red blood cells from many thousands of altruistic donors. Cultured red blood cells using stem cell technology could offer a replacement technology, providing a limitless supply of red blood cells from a single source. This project used interviews and focus groups to explore the views of a wide range of publics towards cultured red blood cells. This paper explores how participants referred to a lack of biodiversity in cultured red blood cells in three ways. The first was as a comparison to GM crops, with concern over a monopoly on blood supplies. The second was a perceived increased risk associated with a single source of blood. Thirdly participants saw the lack of biodiversity as a threat to the altruistic nature of blood donation from multiple donors.
Rights: This item has been embargoed for a period. During the embargo please use the Request a Copy feature at the foot of the Repository record to request a copy directly from the author. You can only request a copy if you wish to use this work for your own research or private study. Publisher policy allows this work to be made available in this repository. Published in Journal of Medical Law and Ethics, 3.3, pp. 151-163 by Uitgeverij Paris BV / Paris Legal Publishers. The original publication is available at:

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