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Appears in Collections:Literature and Languages Journal Articles
Peer Review Status: Refereed
Title: Lucky Thinker: An Interview with Tom Nairn
Author(s): Hames, Scott
Storrar, William
Contact Email:
Keywords: Tom Nairn
New Left
Scottish independence
Issue Date: Nov-2016
Date Deposited: 19-Jul-2016
Citation: Hames S & Storrar W (2016) Lucky Thinker: An Interview with Tom Nairn. Scottish Affairs, 25 (4), pp. 436-450.
Abstract: [Interview with Tom Nairn for Scottish Affairs]  Needing no introduction to readers of Scottish Affairs, Tom Nairn is that very rare thing: an intellectual whose essays and ideas have genuinely transformed political debate. His analysis of Scotland in the UK from The Breakup of Britain in 1977 to Old Nations, Auld Enemies, New Times in 2014 has been seminal in shaping the movement for independence as well as the academic study of nationalism. What is too little known is the intellectual journey that led him to be one of the few thinkers on the left to take nationalism seriously as the modern Janus, a progressive as well as regressive force. In this interview, we retrace the unplanned course of Nairn's thinking from art school to aesthetics, philosophy to politics, nationalism studies to the study of globalisation, Benedetto Croce to Iris Murdoch, Antonio Gramsci to Hamish Henderson, Perry Anderson to the New Left Review. Such interests and friendships took him from Pisa to Hornsey, Amsterdam to Melbourne; yet always circling back north again. The interview concludes with impressions and hesitations on UK ‘nationality politics’ in the weeks prior to the 2015 General Election.
DOI Link: 10.3366/scot.2016.0151
Rights: Publisher policy allows this work to be made available in this repository. Published in Scottish Affairs by Edinburgh University Press. The original publication is available at:

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Nairn interview

What is it about?

An interview with the scholar of nationalism Tom Nairn

Why is it important?

This interview traces Nairn's intellectual development and key relationships with figures including Hamish Henderson and Iris Murdoch. It links his interests in Gramsci, nationalism and Scottish independence to involvements with the New Left Review and the Transnational Institute, and includes some reflections on Scottish/British constitutional politics from 2015.

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