Literature and Languages eTheses : [144] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of theses produced by Literature and Languages students.

Note: Some items may not be viewable as they are being prepared for publication.

The copyright in theses in this collection remains with the author, unless it is stated to have been assigned to the University of Stirling. The University of Stirling reserves the right to keep electronic copies for consultation in both cases.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 144
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
15-Aug-2022Women of words: gender equality in 21st century Scottish book publishingNeuwirth, Christina-Thesis or Dissertation
31-Dec-2021Archive and Narrative in the 2014 Scottish Independence ReferendumAustin, Alice M-Thesis or Dissertation
28-Mar-2022People, Places, Spaces and Traces: Writing Lotte and the Psychogeographical ImaginationRaymond, Martin James-Thesis or Dissertation
16-Apr-2021Childhood Reading and Education: The Royal High School of Edinburgh, 1750-1850Branagh-Miscampbell, Maxine-Thesis or Dissertation
Dec-2020The Archive of Our Own and the Stakes of Publishing FanfictionBoyd, Sarah-Thesis or Dissertation
7-Oct-2021Enlarging the Map of Scottish Literary Influence: José Martí and the Cuban ReceptionFlores Varona, Félix-Thesis or Dissertation
22-Apr-2021'All tragedies are fled from state to stage': The Ideals of Duty in Early Modern History Plays, 1561-1624Wallace, Lorna-Thesis or Dissertation
26-Mar-2021Race, Religion, and Communities of Friendship: Contemporary French Islamophobia in Literature and FilmMcQueen, Fraser-Thesis or Dissertation
29-Apr-2021New French Horror: The Emergence of the Horror Genre in Contemporary French CinemaMacdonald, Angus-Thesis or Dissertation
11-Nov-2020Landscapes of Belonging: Self, Nation and Gender in the Fiction of Neil M. GunnMacLeod, Mairi-Thesis or Dissertation
1984Power spectral analysis of continuous text stringsGraff, Arne-Thesis or Dissertation
Oct-2019Writing Orkney’s Future: Minority Language and Speculative PoeticsGiles, Harry Josephine-Thesis or Dissertation
27-Jan-2020The Short Story Anthology and the Politics of GenderTura Vecino, Aleix-Thesis or Dissertation
Oct-2019Postfeminist Consumption in Female Cannibal TextsFlockhart, Louise-Thesis or Dissertation
2005Dickens and Freud: a mutual encounter with the double.Benjamin, Charles-Thesis or Dissertation
1988Borges, the poem and the book : a study of Historia de la noche and La cifra.Sutherland, John Wilson-Thesis or Dissertation
2004Romance revisited: transformations of the marital love triangle in women’s fictions.Genz, Carole-Thesis or Dissertation
1995The hunting motif in the literature of the United States:1782-1992.Bender, Justin-Thesis or Dissertation
2003Shakespeare and the language of violence.Wightman, Juliet Heather-Thesis or Dissertation
19-Jul-2019Performing authenticity: James Hogg and the portable short storyHotchkiss, Duncan-Thesis or Dissertation
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 144