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Appears in Collections:Faculty of Social Sciences Journal Articles
Peer Review Status: Refereed
Title: Sustainable solutions to homelessness: the Scottish Case
Author(s): Anderson, Isobel
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Keywords: Homelessness
Policy Review
Policy Transfer
Homelessness Government policy Scotland
Shelters for the homeless Scotland Finance
Issue Date: Dec-2007
Date Deposited: 14-Jul-2009
Citation: Anderson I (2007) Sustainable solutions to homelessness: the Scottish Case. European Journal of Homelessness, 1, pp. 163-183.
Abstract: In the post-1997 period of devolved government to Scotland, both housing and homelessness have been high on the policy agenda. A Homelessness Task Force reviewed longstanding homelessness policy and legislation. The Scottish Executive fully accepted the recommendations of the Task Force and instigated an implementation programme to 2012, by which time there would be a duty on local authorities to ensure housing for all homeless households. This target, and the broader strategy for tackling and preventing homelessness, was held up as an exemplar for the rest of Europe. Five years into a ten year programme, this paper will examine progress on implementation and consider the potential for policy transfer with reference to other European countries. The paper will summarise the process of policy review and the key recommendations of the Homelessness Task Force which reported in 2002. It will then examine the legislative and other policy instruments adopted to ensure implementation, prior to assessing progress and the mechanisms in place to monitor and evaluate outcomes. Finally, the paper will raise some questions with regard to possible lessons for other countries seeking to tackle homelessness. Conclusions will reflect on the sustainability and transferability of the Scottish approach to homelessness and whether Scotland might also learn from its European neighbours1
Rights: The publisher has granted permission for use of this article in this Repository. The article was first published in the European Journal of Homelessness by FEANTSA, European Observatory on Homelessness.

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