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Appears in Collections:Literature and Languages Journal Articles
Title: Reflections on Reading the Bible: From Flesh to Female Genius
Author(s): Jasper, Alison
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Keywords: Julia Kristeva
Jane Leade
female genius
Jacob Boehme
God’s Eternal Virgin
Issue Date: Nov-2017
Date Deposited: 23-Sep-2016
Citation: Jasper A (2017) Reflections on Reading the Bible: From Flesh to Female Genius. In: Sherwood Y (ed.) The Bible and Feminism: Remapping the Field. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 81-97.〈=en&cc=gb#
Abstract: Looking back over a couple of decades, the author recalls her appropriation of theoretical tools from the French poststructuralist philosopher, Julia Kristeva: first to read women and the feminine-identified flesh back into biblical texts and to resist older readings that viewed these presences as inferior agents or contaminants. Secondly Kristeva’s idea of female genius gives theoretical support to the case that women continually challenge established, orthodox biblical readings in inauspicious male-normative circumstances by reading the Bible for themselves. Illustrating the concept of female genius, the article returns to Jane Leade, a seventeenth century visionary. She exemplifies the capacity of women to bring something singular and authentic – such as her electrifying descriptions of the biblical figure of Wisdom as female and her dream-visions of bodily restorations - to their readings of the bible. Leade’s vivid reflections energise the community of Philadelphians for whom she provides leadership and inspiration. The author continues to pose the question in the light of these reflections as to whether or not women (and other genders) can continue to profit from reading the Bible.
Rights: This item has been embargoed for a period. During the embargo please use the Request a Copy feature at the foot of the Repository record to request a copy directly from the author. You can only request a copy if you wish to use this work for your own research or private study. Jasper A (2017) Reflections on Reading the Bible: From Flesh to Female Genius. In: Sherwood Y (ed.). The Bible and Feminism: Remapping the Field, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 81-97, reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press. Available at:

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