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Appears in Collections:Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport Journal Articles
Peer Review Status: Refereed
Title: Shinty, Nationalism and National Autonomy in Scotland, 1887-1928
Author(s): Reid, Irene A
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Keywords: shinty
Celtic sports
national autonomy
Issue Date: Dec-2013
Date Deposited: 8-Jan-2014
Citation: Reid IA (2013) Shinty, Nationalism and National Autonomy in Scotland, 1887-1928. International Journal of the History of Sport, 30 (17), pp. 2098-2114.
Abstract: Studies of the relationships between sport and nationalism have often overlooked how different sports may depict alternative expressions of nationalism. This paper examines how social, cultural and political ideas associated with nationalism and national autonomy in Scotland touched the sport of shinty between 1887 and 1928. During this period, the transformation of shinty from a traditional folk game to a modern sport was consolidated within Scottish Highland society. The paper probes some of the ways that shinty was contoured by, and connected to wider social, cultural and political circumstances of the period. Three strands are considered in the analysis: (i) the place of shinty as a conduit for aspirations of national autonomy, (ii) the different expressions of nationalism in Scotland that oscillated on the landscape of culture and politics and (iii) the connections between shinty and Gaelic sports in Ireland, and the relationship with expressions of nationalism. The analysis is developed using the concepts of national autonomy and civil society. These conceptual components help to probe how shinty symbolised alternative aspirations and expressions of nationalism between 1887 and 1928.
DOI Link: 10.1080/09523367.2013.847434
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