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Appears in Collections:Computing Science and Mathematics Book Chapters and Sections
Peer Review Status: Refereed
Title: Conceptual clustering of documents for automatic ontology generation
Author(s): Krishnan, Reshmy
Hussain, Amir
Sherimon, P C
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Editor(s): Liu, D
Alippi, C
Zhao, D
Hussain, A
Citation: Krishnan R, Hussain A & Sherimon PC (2013) Conceptual clustering of documents for automatic ontology generation. In: Liu D, Alippi C, Zhao D & Hussain A (eds.) Advances in Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems: 6th International Conference, BICS 2013, Beijing, China, June 9-11, 2013. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7888. 6th International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, BICS 2013, Beijing, China, 09.06.2013-11.06.2013. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 235-244.;
Keywords: homonymy
Information retrieval
feature vector
Self-Organizing Map
Issue Date: 2013
Date Deposited: 12-Aug-2013
Series/Report no.: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7888
Abstract: In Information retrieval, Keyword based retrieval is unsatisfactory for user needs since it can't always retrieve relevant words according to the concept. Since different words can represent the same concept (polysemy) and one word can represent different concepts (homonymy), mapping problem will lead to word sense Disambiguation. Through the implementation of domain dependent ontology, concept based information retrieval (IR) can be achieved. Since Semantic concept extraction from keywords is the initial phase for automatic construction of ontology process, this paper propose an effective method for it. Reuters21578 is used as the input of this process, followed by indexing, training and clustering using self-Organizing Map. Based on the feature vector, the clustering of documents are formed using automatic concept selections, in order to make the hierarchy. Clusters are represented hierarchically based on the topics assigned .Ontology will be generated automatically for each cluster, based on the topic assigned.
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DOI Link: 10.1007/978-3-642-38786-9_27
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